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For most of our users…

User roles are overkill for most of our users. This is our advice on keeping things simple:

  1. You will always have at least one admin. (Chances are, most organisations will only have one user. That user will be an admin.)
  2. If you do have additional users, they will either be “Admin” or “Controller”.

Being blunt, a “controller” or “operator” can’t stuff things up. They can just view the data.

For our power users

Roles are designed to allow you to decide who has the ability to view data, run reports, change settings, and administer users.

A user can either be an ‘org-wide’ user, or a ‘site-specific’ user.

Org-wide users have the same role for every site in your organisation.

Site-specific users can have different roles for different sites (for example, they could only have access to only one site).

Clever Logger Permissions Matrix

Viewer Operator Controller Editor Admin
View temperature/humidity data
View alarms
View configuration/settings
Receive alarm notifications
Respond to alarms
Receive reports
Create and view Reports
Add, edit and remove Notification Groups
Add, edit and remove Locations
Add, edit and remove Gateways
Add new sites
Change organisation/site details
Add, edit and remove users

V = Viewer

O = Operator

C = Controller   

E = Editor

A = Admin

Feature Who can use
View temperature & humidity data V O C E A
View alarms V O C E A
View configuration settings V O C E A
Receive alarm notifications V O C E A
Receive reports V O C E A
Respond to alarms O C E A
Create and view Reports C E A
Add/edit and remove Notification Groups E A
Add/edit and remove Locations E A
Add/edit and remove Gateways E A
Add new sites A
Change organisation & site details A
Add/edit and remove users A

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